Supercharge Your Shopify Analytics with Pirsch

Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store with Pirsch Analytics, providing seamless integration and detailed insights to boost traffic and drive sales.

Customers of Pirsch Analytics
Trusted by 500+ Customers
Supercharge Your Shopify Analytics with Pirsch Supercharge Your Shopify Analytics with Pirsch
Global X Maglr Superblog Stillalive Studios Stillalive Studios
Toffolo Studio Lenzing Senja Spectate

Effortless Shopify Integration

Integrate Pirsch Analytics seamlessly into your Shopify store using the intuitive, step-by-step guide. Designed for both tech-savvy users and beginners, our comprehensive instructions ensure hassle-free setup so you can start collecting valuable data in no time. Don't let technical barriers slow you down; with Pirsch, you're just steps away from unlocking powerful insights and making data-driven decisions for your Shopify store.

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Gain Comprehensive Insights

Pirsch Analytics gives your Shopify store the ability to track custom events, form submissions, and sales revenue with precise monetary values, providing a holistic view of your business performance. By tracking custom events, you can understand user behavior, identify pain points, and optimize forms to increase conversion rates.

In addition, by associating monetary values with these events, you can accurately track your sales and revenue to identify trends, measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and make informed decisions to increase profitability.

Speed Up Your Shop

A lightweight script or backend integration option ensure your Shopify store remains fast and responsive. By minimizing the impact on load times, Pirsch helps you maintain optimal website speed, which is crucial for both user experience and SEO rankings. A faster website means lower bounce rates and higher engagement, which ultimately leads to more conversions and sales.

Follow the User Journey

Gain a complete view of your customer's journey by tracking their path from first ad click to final conversion. This detailed tracking helps you identify key touchpoints and understand the effectiveness of your marketing funnel.

Filter the Dashboard by Anything

Pirsch Analytics offers unparalleled flexibility with its customizable dashboard filtering options. Filter your analytics data by any parameter to get the specific insights you need, whether it be date range, traffic source, or custom event including meta data.

Collaborate Effectively With Your Team

Improve team collaboration by inviting multiple members to access Pirsch Analytics. With shared access, your team can seamlessly work together to analyze data, create reports, and make data-driven decisions. Pirsch makes it easy to assign different roles and permissions to ensure everyone has the right level of access. You can also provide unique access links to partners or automatically send periodic reports.

Ensure Accurate Data

Maintain data accuracy by bypassing adblockers, ensuring you capture comprehensive insights into user behavior. Adblockers can skew analytics data, leading to incomplete or misleading information. Pirsch offers several ways to solve this problem once and for all.

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Ready to Level up Your Analytics?

Try Pirsch Analytics free of charge for 30 days with no credit card required. Pick the best Google Analytics alternative, setting up your first website only takes a few minutes.